Saturday, 23 November 2013

Maths Investigations and problem solving

We are working on money and tried an investigation today - tricky thought Mrs Marshall, Mrs Barnes and Mrs Richardson!  Not so thought the children!

Working it out - trial and improvement!
Thinking time!
Got it!
Talking and sharing and explaining our thinking!
Fabulous maths session - not tricky at all!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Chocolate Topic

As part of our Chocolate topic we are looking at hot and cold - surfaces and water this week - Chocolate next!

Testing different surfaces - it's good to be outside!
Jasper testing boiling water - following health and safety requirements!
Testing iced water - really concentrating!
Watch out for next week when we are testing chocolate!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Cadbury World Visit

Our topic this term is chocolate and to support our learning in this we visited Cadbury World in Birmingham.  The children were excellent representatives of the school - as always and thanks to the parents who helped us.

We arrived early so we had time to play!
Tasting liquid chocolate - happy children!
Writing our names in chocolate - not as easy as it looks!

Welcome back everyone and music lessons

We have now settled in and the year 2 children are familiar with the totally different routines in Class 2.  Mrs Richardson has been been employed as teaching assistant supporting the class every morning and Mrs Barnes will now do one extra afternoon a week supporting the class.  This means we have a good ratio of adults to children to support learning and our high expectations.

Mrs Kearsley is a music specialist and our music lessons are always fabulous.

One of our first music lessons!
Practising - the enjoyment on the faces shows it all!

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Our trip to the river!

Our topic work this term has been about rivers and we visited the river Witham at Hougham today.  Thanks Lucy for drawing us a map!  We were armed with nets and buckets and were very excited!

The view from over the river.
I stood on the bridge over the weir to get a better view!
Whose turn is it next to use the net?
We've caught a lobster! 
Actually it was a crayfish.  We also caught a stickleback, a caddis fly larvae, several water snails and some other as yet unidentified creatures.
We played 'pooh' sticks on the bridge and Mrs Marshall saw a Kingfisher
- the highlight of her afternoon!!!
Although the children were enthusiastic they were extremely well behaved and followed the health and safety instructions as well as making sure all gates were closed.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Mad Science Day!

As part of our science topic this term we organised a mad science day - delivered by an outside company and led by Mr Physics.  We started with a whole school assembly which was very enjoyable particularly when the children thought I was going to have water poured on my head!  We also learnt about the eye and how it works and we made a periscope to help us with 'spying' - the children's comments, not mine.

Kayley having a carbon dioxide bath - using dry ice and hot water.
Casper enveloped in his carbon dioxide bath!
Making slime - yucky!
Making chalk - concentration is vital!
Not sure what this was about as I wasn't there but it looks impressive!
A witches smoking brew and Hannah can't wait to taste it!!!
We learnt that science is all about us whether we realise it or not.
We learnt that science can be fun.
We learnt that Health and Safety is very important in science.
We learnt that using the correct scientific vocabulary is very important.
A great day for everyone.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Science Investigations

As part of our 'Materials' topic in science we have been designing our own investigation and carrying them out.  The only stipulation was that it had to include different types of paper.  We 'lolly sticked' ('sticks of doom' as the children call them!) groups and team work was stressed as being very important.  The rest was up to them!

We were lucky enough to be able to work outside - good job really because the majority decided to include the use of water!
Good teamwork!
Explaining our investigation!  We used all the 'proper' scientific vocabulary and in our plenary session most of our predictions were correct. 

Thursday, 25 April 2013

What colour is black ink?

This question confused the children at first - black was the answer!  As part of our materials science topic we are mixing science and art and today we were doing chromatography.

We started with black ink and found out that black ink is not really black! 

Just like a scary eyeball!
Having fun at the same time as learning!
Moving on to using felt pens and making pictures.  This really did look like a dog's face!
We saved some for our display but the children were so pleased with their work we had to let them take them home!

Thursday, 4 April 2013

French topic

As part of our topic on France we interviewed Joseph and Maddy's au-pair Mathilde who is French.  We had introduce ourselves in French and had prepared questions for Mathilde.

Introducing ourselves
Mathilde was a bit nervous but she soon relaxed when she realised we weren't scary!