Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Cadbury World Visit

Our topic this term is chocolate and to support our learning in this we visited Cadbury World in Birmingham.  The children were excellent representatives of the school - as always and thanks to the parents who helped us.

We arrived early so we had time to play!
Tasting liquid chocolate - happy children!
Writing our names in chocolate - not as easy as it looks!

Welcome back everyone and music lessons

We have now settled in and the year 2 children are familiar with the totally different routines in Class 2.  Mrs Richardson has been been employed as teaching assistant supporting the class every morning and Mrs Barnes will now do one extra afternoon a week supporting the class.  This means we have a good ratio of adults to children to support learning and our high expectations.

Mrs Kearsley is a music specialist and our music lessons are always fabulous.

One of our first music lessons!
Practising - the enjoyment on the faces shows it all!