Saturday, 31 May 2014

Healthy Me! topic

As part of our Healthy Me! topic last term we had two parents - Dr Khoo (a heart consultant) and Dr Ridout (a GP) talk to us.  Dr Khoo taught us how to keep our heart healthy and he brought along resources to help us.

Showing us a model of the heart
Alex became Dr Alex and learnt how to use a stethoscope!
Looking at unhealthy hearts - plastic of course!
Thank you Dr Khoo for making your presentation so interesting!
Dr Ridout talked to us about keeping healthy through exercise - this coincided with the whole class wearing a pedometer each for the whole day!
How to stretch muscles in a warm up / cool down
Thank you Dr Ridout!
We are very lucky to have two doctors who could speak to us!

Thursday, 22 May 2014

RE week - looing for creatures in our environment

This was part of getting the children to respect and value the creatures we have.

Not sure what I've got - need to look closer!
Arthur was so excited about his huge slug find that he took it home!
What have we got?

RE Week - The Perfect World

We have had a great week so far with so many different activities.

We spent an afternoon in the church and the church yard.  We had a list of items to find - ranging from 'Find a grave of someone who died in a war' to 'someone who died as a child'.  The children were fascinated to be able to spend time roaming around looking and finding things.  It was very peaceful in the churchyard and the children were very respectful.

Finding one of the things on the list.
Thinking about the soldier who died during the first world war.
Working as a team - reading the information on the gravestone
Gravestone rubbings - no-one had done this before and we had some great results!
A brilliant afternoon was had by all and the children learnt a lot - particularly not to
be afraid of being in a graveyard, the cries of 'I've stood on bone!'
stopped the longer we were in the churchyard.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

'Don't Call the Doctor!'

As part of our Healthy Living topic we have looking at how to keep our teeth healthy.  We began an experiment last week to find out which drink damaged our teeth most.  We made predictions, wrote up the experiment and did observations.

We put a hard boiled egg in an equal amount of a different liquid - Ribena, milk, fresh orange juice, coca cola, vinegar and water.

Today was the reveal - which drink did the most damage?  Were our predictions correct?

Gloves on ready!  First we looked at the Ribena - what had happened?
Elise - putting her hand into coagulated milk!  The smell was yucky!
And the results?  The orange juice destroyed the egg shell (almost like the enamel which covers out teeth); the coca cola stained the shell but it the stain wiped off and the milk destroyed the inside of the egg - like the dentine in our teeth.
All of us said we would brush our teeth more often after seeing what could happen to them!

Saturday, 10 May 2014


It's that time of year again - we can play our favourite game!  The Year 3s and 4s have remembered all their skills from last year and are helping the Y2s to learn their new skills.

Hannah doing some good work as a bowler!  We still use tennis rackets at this time of the term but will soon move onto 'proper' rounder's bats.
Rory is a dangerous batter - dangerous in that he can really hit the ball a long way!