Saturday, 25 March 2017


It's ages since we last blogged and we are sorry - so much to do, such little time.  Here is a quick update of some highlights since September.

Forces - which surface is the best for a car to travel on and why?

States of Matter - can we weigh gas?

Sea life Diorama based on our English work on the book 'Dougal's Deep Sea Diary'

Quiet library time...

...everyone reading!

Carnival of the Animals - fabulous music work.  We did lose a lot of photos because Mrs K's iPad died:(

Electricity - making a circuit...

...conductors and insulators - I will make this potato be a conductor!!!

Worry Dolls...

English work based on 'Silly Billy'...

...a boy who worries about everything...


... the dark

...trouble is - we made worry dolls and someone said 'should we make worry dolls for the worry dolls?'  Where will it end!!!

We promise to try and blog more regularly in future!