Sunday, 30 September 2012

Visit to Lincolnshire Life Museum

We had a great day on Thursday when we went to Lincolnshire Life Museum as part of our World War 2 topic.  The majority of children dressed as evacuees and brought an evacuee type lunch - all wrapped up in brown paper!

The museum said we were the best dressed evacuees they had ever had - thanks parents for going the extra mile with this!  The children were fabulously well behaved and very knowledgeable and again this was commented on by the museum staff.

On our way - the school building fits in very well with the topic!

Megan, Isabella and Amy playing the part - note their gas mask boxes and evacuee labels!
Adam, Matthew and Riley - Matthew brought his teddy bear because that's what evacuees did!
Riley, Rory and Joesph - all Year 2's!  Fabulous costumes.  Riley's mum even made him a special WW2 bun for his lunch and Joseph's tank top was hand knitted - just like they used to be!
Joseph concentrating on his activity work.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Golden Time and Gas Masks

As you know we have Golden Time on a Friday afternoon for 30 minutes.  Just because  you are in Y4 doesn't mean that you are too old to dress up!


Here I present cowgirl Serena and pirate Amy!

Conor was the first to finish his gas mask container (ready for our visit to the Lincolnshire Life Museum next week).  All he did was to come to see me to ask if it was indoor break!!!

Super writing!

We have been working on improving our writing this week and Vincent Kearsley Bullen (Y4) wrote this:

'The dreadful vibration from the rain roared like a big scaly dragon.  The sparks, as hot as the sun, melted the crumbly ground.  Flames came as bright as a shimmering chandelier.  I can smell the sadness in the mum's eyes.'

We have also been writing Evacuee postcards to our mothers based on our work woth the book Carrie's War.  Joseph Barnabas (Y3) wrote this:

'Dear Mum,
Mr Evans is letting us help in the shop and the garden is a reasonable size to play in.  I miss you a lot.  We ger nice food.  I feel a bit numb but it's nice down in Wales.  I hope you're OK down in London.  Love Nick'

Excellent wow words from both of them!

Sunday, 9 September 2012

New term!

Welcome to Class 2!  We have spent the first few days settling in and getting to know routines and expectations.  The year 2 children have taken to Class 2 in the afternoons like ducks to water!  Our class information letter will be going out next week with details of what we are learning about this term.

Mrs M and Mrs K